
Residential Services
MHC offers homes, including scattered-site supported housing, transitional housing, and supervised apartments, for people with mental health conditions throughout Bridgeport.

For information about MHC’s residential services in Bridgeport, please contact:
Donna Kaine
Director of Bridgeport Residential Services
4920 Main Street, Suite 301
Bridgeport, CT 06606
Phone: 203-365-8444

Mental Health Waiver Program (WISE)
Through the waiver program, the State of Connecticut offers an array of home and community-based services. These services assist Medicaid eligible adults with serious mental health conditions with living successfully in the community and avoiding institutional care. MHC is a state-approved WISE provider offering participants individualized recovery plans that promote health, wellness, recovery and success in the community.

For more information about the Mental Health Waiver Program (WISE), please call 860-977-0729.

mental health waiver
fact sheet

Mental Health Concierge
Mental Health Connecticut (MHC) recognizes the limitations that people with private health insurance may face when trying to access timely and appropriate mental health services. To this end, MHC has created Mental Health Concierge. This unique service offers in-home, one-on-one, community-based rehabilitative services that support and promote recovery and complement services covered by private insurance.

Offered throughout Connecticut, Mental Health Concierge provides a breadth of services and supports for individuals with mental health conditions, including:

  • Maintaining a home,
  • Managing finances,
  • Negotiating external systems of support (physical and behavioral health),
  • Developing community connections,
  • Skill-building, and/or
  • Self-advocating.

For more information about Mental Health Concierge, please call 860-977-0729.

mental health concierge
fact sheet


Mental Health Connecticut offers services and supports statewide with offices located in:

West Hartford

Click on the above town for more information.



For information about MHC’s residential services in Bridgeport, please contact:

Donna Kaine
Director of Bridgeport Residential Services
4920 Main Street, Suite 301
Bridgeport, CT 06606
Phone: 203-365-8444