In order to meet its mission, APAC of CT serves several functions and roles. Among them are:

Advisory – To advise the APAA Commission as it serves in the Advisory role to the Governor, state and local public officials on the development and implementation of comprehensive and coordinated policies, plans, and programs focusing on the special problems and needs of the APA community.
Education – To educate the APA community about laws, programs, and policies that affect their well-being.
Conduit and consultant – To make government more accessible by serving as a conduit and consultant between APA communities, the APAA Commission and state agencies. Be the conduit for the much needed funds by collaborating with the Commission for fund-raising and grant-funding, and be the fund-raising arm of the Commission.
Resource – To serve as a resource for the APAA Commission through research and educational materials, technical assistance, agency referrals, casework, community forums.

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Time is running out to support our Winter Wellness Campaign! Your donation helps us provide essential mental health resources and expand access to care for individuals in need.⁠ Let’s come together to ensure no one has to face winter’s challenges alone. 

While our Winter Wellness Campaign is coming to a close, our toolkit will be available on our website all winter long as we continue to embrace warmth, connection, and wellness.⁠

This year’s Winter Wellness with MHC campaign is focused on giving mental health resources and support to communities throughout Connecticut. 

Your donation will support the Mental Health Concierge sliding scale, enabling us to provide flexible mental health services to individuals in need throughout the state.

Your donation will enable us to provide mental health services, including therapy, in-home support, and case management, to low-income individuals and individuals experiencing homelessness.