What better way to spend Mental Health Connecticut’s (MHC’s) Founding Day than to celebrate the power of writing?

Clifford W. BeersIn 1908, MHC’s founder, Clifford W. Beers published, A Mind That Found Itself, his autobiography sharing the discrimination and cruel conditions he faced during his stay in Connecticut state psychiatric hospitals. His book launched an international discussion on justice and shortly after he founded two organizations – first Mental Health Connecticut (originally known as the Connecticut Society for Mental Hygiene) in 1908 and then, a year later, Mental Health America, of which MHC is an affiliate. In 1913, he started the Clifford Beers Clinic, the first outpatient clinic in the United States.

Let’s just stop and think about that for a minute… 112 YEARS AGO, a man who lived through deplorable conditions made a decision to tell his story with the world. His story changed the conversation. His story launched at least three organizations (maybe more!) that STILL EXIST today. His story was the inspiration for what eventually became the Recovery Movement, which is at the center of MHC’s work and is rooted in the belief that it’s the human condition that must be front and center in a mental health journey, over and above any symptoms or diagnosis.

Your story matters. You may not wish to use your writing to blow up an entire system. Or you might. Or, maybe you don’t know yet but you want to find out. Either way, at MHC we know the pen is mightier than the sword. We know that a personal journal–one that no one else will see–has the power to heal.

So, if you’re thinking of dedicating more time to your writing, why not start today?

At 2:00 p.m. today, Write On! program creator and lead instructor, Janet Reynolds hosted “Setting Up Your Writing Practice: Tips and Strategies” a 30-minute writing workshop. For those unable to attend live, we are pleased to share the full recording below. Come prepared with your favorite writing tools (pen and paper or laptop) and learn some new tips and strategies for setting up your writing practice.

Help MHC reach its goal of raising $31,000 in 31 days! Go to www.mhconn.org/31days to donate or to start your own MHC fundraiser.
