Who We Are

Mental Health Connecticut (MHC) partners with individuals, families, and communities to create environments that support long-term health and wellness.

We envision a future where well-being is rooted in respect for the condition of being human.

In our world, “environment” has many meanings, from a welcoming, safe home and other physical spaces to the conditions that allow an individual to thrive, overcome barriers, strengthen social connections, and achieve goals. In programs and policy, MHC advocates for system-wide change through the use of Social Determinants of Health, Cultural Humility, and other equity-based frameworks.

Overall, we believe that the abstraction of community-wide wellbeing is tangible, and that mental wellness is attained by individuals when root causes and obstacles are addressed through unified efforts.


Striving for Excellence

MHC supports individuals with lived experience as a trauma-informed and person-centered organization. We use only evidence-based and best practices in a recovery model approach to care, which means we help individuals obtain a safe home, activate whole health living, find fulfillment and purpose, and become actively engaged in the community.

Central to MHC’s mission and workplace culture is promoting and practicing cultural humility and competency, anti-racism, and allyship. We meet people where they are and work together for a more just, welcoming, and safe community for everyone. 

MHC’s treatment programs are accredited by CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities). Accreditation is the result of rigorous reviews and certifies that MHC conforms to nationally and internationally recognized service standards focused on quality and effectiveness.

MHC is a Platinum-Certified organization for the Bell Seal for Workplace Mental Health by Mental Health America (MHA). This distinction is awarded to companies who meet the standards for a mentally healthy workplace and demonstrates MHC’s outstanding commitment to employee mental health and well-being.

Our Values

We follow a core set of values that aid our ability to communicate as a team and maintain a safe and welcoming work environment for all.


In our programs and across our staff and communities, safety is fundamental to individual growth and collective success, in all the ways safety is defined, including physically, emotionally, and creatively.


Everyone’s contact and journey are different. We recognize, appreciate, and embrace our differences, assume positive intent, and meet each person and community where they are.


Progress is advanced through everyday thoughtfulness and the persistent pursuit of new ideas and approaches.


In all that we do, we hold ourselves accountable to our purpose and charge. We operate with the highest ethical principles, employ the best practices, and are a responsible steward of community resources.


Our mission is a shared journey. We strive to be good partners by building and sustaining trusting relationships with all whom we encounter.


MHC's Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Statement

DEI Statement

At MHC, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are foundational to our mission of partnering with individuals, families, and communities to create environments that support long-term health and wellness. We are dedicated to fostering inclusive environments that embrace differences, celebrate uniqueness, and provide equitable opportunities for all.

Anti-Racism Pledge

Mental Health Connecticut recognizes that combating racism and inequity is an ongoing commitment to society and a lifelong practice within our community. To ensure this work is a movement of progress and not a moment in time, the work requires both vigilance and patience in order to listen, learn, and take action. We pledge to work against racism in all its forms for the safety and wellbeing of our employees, program participants, and the communities we serve across the state of Connecticut.


Annual Reports

2024 Annual Report

Your continued support has played a crucial role in making positive change possible, and we are eager to share the impact of our collective efforts. Together, we can continue to promote health and well-being in CT. We invite you to delve into the pages of our Annual Report to explore these uplifting stories of transformation.

Annual Report

The stories within our report highlight the powerful role that creativity plays in the journey toward mental health and overall wellbeing.

Annual Report

Throughout our journey at MHC, we have been privileged to witness remarkable transformations unfold thanks to your support.

Our Impact

Access to

94% of members reported that MHC provided them with adequate access to treatment, reflecting our commitment to creating environments that support long-term health and wellness.

Overall General

91% of members reported overall satisfaction with the services provided by MHC, highlighting our dedication to partnering with individuals, families, and communities to foster wellbeing.

Outcomes of

84% of members reported positive outcomes from their treatment at MHC, demonstrating our effectiveness in supporting long-term health and wellness through respectful and human-centered care.

Participation in

94% of members reported active participation in their treatment plans at MHC, showcasing our approach to collaborative and individualized care that respects the unique needs of each person.

of Staff

96% of members reported that the staff at MHC were of high quality and provided appropriate care, underscoring our mission to partner with communities and deliver services that uphold the dignity and humanity of our members.

Level of

95% of members reported that MHC treated them with respect, aligning with our vision of a future where wellbeing is rooted in respect for the condition of being human.



Luis B. Pérez, LCSW

President & CEO
76 Batterson Park Rd, Suite 303
Farmington, CT 06032

Jennifer A. Pulse

Chief Financial Officer
76 Batterson Park Rd, Suite 303
Farmington, CT 06032

Remi G. Kyek, MA, MFT

Chief Experience Officer
76 Batterson Park Rd, Suite 303
Farmington, CT 06032
860-856-7956 / Mobile: 860-597-1837

Michael Culmo

Chief Program Officer
76 Batterson Park Rd, Suite 303
Farmington, CT 06032

Jill Currier

Chief Human Resources Officer
76 Batterson Park Rd, Suite 303
Farmington, CT 06032
860-529-1970  |  Fax: 860-760-6525

Domenique S. Thornton, Esq.

General Counsel

76 Batterson Park Rd, Suite 303
Farmington, CT 06032
860-529-1970 | Mobile: 860-982-8180
Agustin Lopez

Senior Director of Specialized Services
76 Batterson Park Rd, Suite 303
Farmington, CT 06032
860-529-1970  |  Mobile: 860-982-8180

Bethany Simmonds

Senior Director of Advancement
76 Batterson Park Rd, Suite 303
Farmington, CT 06032

Jennifer Hunter-Smith

Senior Director of Residential Services
76 Batterson Park Rd, Suite 303
Farmington, CT 06032

Board of Directors

Laurie K. Molinari


Assistant General Counsel, The Hartford

Scott Boulton

Vice Chair

Consultant, Fiducient Advisors

Marlene Thomas


Chief Financial Officer, Community Solutions Inc.

Robert Michalik


Director of Government Relations, Connecticut Housing Financial Authority

Scott Brabant

Immediate Past Chair

DATTCO, Chief Financial Officer

Luis Pérez


Cristi Alberino, Ph.D.

Education Consultant, Connecticut State Department of Education

Catherine Dean

Clinical Manager, Adult Outpatient Behavioral Health at Charlotte Hungerford Hospital

Mary Laucks

Executive Director, Stamford Health

Marvin Pittman

Manager, Content Integration & Story Editor, NBC Sports

Travata T. Stewart

Manager, Cancer Support Services, Stamford Health

Maggie D. Young

Chief Recovery Officer, Families in Recovery Program


Mindful Insights

Mindful Insights offers a deep dive into the practices and perspectives that can enhance mental well-being. Explore thoughtful reflections and expert advice to support your journey towards a more balanced and fulfilling life


Latest News & Press

Mental Health Musings: Retired, But Not Done

A Call to Action: Addressing Connecticut’s Behavioral Health Parity Crisis

In Memory of Cheri Bragg Acker

Embrace Wellness This Winter with Mental Health Connecticut’s Winter Wellness Toolkit

Celebrating Progress: Announcing Mental Health Connecticut’s 2024 Annual Report

Luis B. Pérez, LCSW

“Peace cannot be kept by force;
it can only be achieved by understanding.”

—Albert Einstein

Luis B. Pérez, LCSW is the President and CEO of Mental Health Connecticut. His broad background includes age-specific clinical and cultural competencies for working with child, adolescent, and adult populations and their families. With leadership positions both in the private and public sectors, Luis has a proven track record in behavioral health outcomes-based management, strategic planning, network development, public policy, and fundraising.

Since joining MHC in 2013, Luis has led a transformation of MHC that has included an investment in reliable systems and structures that have allowed the organization to deepen its impact, improve outcomes, and support innovation by utilizing data and informed systems to guide policy and enhance program development.

Luis is the Immediate Past Board Chair for the CT Community Nonprofit Alliance (The Alliance), serves as a board member and corporator for the American School for the Deaf, and is a part of The New England Advisory Team (NEAT), comprised of key stakeholders from across the region to help identify priority need areas and guide the training of The New England Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC). Recently he joined the Steering Committee of the newly formed CT Collaborative to End Loneliness, and the Executive Committee of the CT Health Council.

Luis has served on over 30 boards, task forces, and committees over his career. He also recently served on the board of Mental Health America (MHA) and continues to serve on the Affiliate Relations Committee.

76 Batterson Park Rd, Suite 303, Farmington, CT 06032
860-529-1970 / LPerez@mhconn.org

Jennifer A. Pulse

“You must be the change you wish to see”
– Mahatma Ghandi

Jennifer joined Mental Health Connecticut as Chief Financial Officer on January 13, 2018. Jennifer brings an extensive financial and accounting background to the agency. Most recently, Jennifer was an Assistant Vice President with iStar Financial in their Glastonbury office. In that role, Jennifer oversaw financial reporting, planning, budgeting and forecasting, and in-depth financial review and variance correction actions. Previously, Jennifer held a variety of leadership positions focused on accounting, reporting, cost containment and executed on process and operational projects. Jennifer has deep experience in the non-profit sector, having held the Controllership role at East Hartford VNA and by extensive service to non-profit clients while employed in public accounting with PricewaterhouseCoopers (Coopers & Lybrand).

Jennifer is a graduate of Providence College, is a Certified Public Accountant, and holds a Six Sigma Black Belt. Jennifer resides in central Connecticut and enjoys raising her five children.

76 Batterson Park Rd, Suite 303
Farmington, CT 06032
860-529-1970 / JPulse@mhconn.org

Remi G. Kyek, MA, MFT

“We know what we are, but know not what we may be”
—William Shakespeare

Remi has been employed with Mental Health Connecticut (MHC) for more than twenty years. She began her tenure with our organization as a Residential Case Manager, working directly with our program participants to support them in the community and teach skills to promote their recovery.

Shortly thereafter, she became a Program Manager in Bridgeport overseeing the residential staff.

In 1998, Remi moved into the position of Director in Bridgeport, with the charge of overseeing the daily operations of our Residential program, issuing quality customer service, managing budgets, and creating new and innovative housing opportunities. During this time, Remi was actively involved in larger service system activities, holding both the Catchment Area Co-Chair and Vice Presidency positions with the Regional Mental Health Board.

Remi held the position of Vice President for more than five years and is now the Chief Experience Officer for MHC. She continues to bring her enthusiasm and passion for this work into her position, supervising the Directors of each of our programs, creating new services, supporting all agency functions, assuring accreditations, and launching training initiatives.

Prior to joining our organization, Remi was a Marriage and Family Therapist. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Montclair State College and earned her master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Fairfield University.

76 Batterson Park Rd, Suite 303, Farmington CT, 06032
Office: 860-856-7956 / Mobile: 860-597-1837 / RKyek@mhconn.org

Michael Culmo

“The unexamined life is not worth living.”

Michael came to MHC in October 2011. He has more than 10 years of experience working in the non-profit sector as a direct care service provider, program manager, director, senior director of organizational performance, and now Chief Program Officer. He is dedicated to improving the direct service work of his agency through the collection and analysis of data. He is working to design and implement a results-based, statewide, client-data tracking system for MHC’s various programs. Michael holds a degree in psychology from Boston University.

969 W. Main Street, 3rd Floor, Waterbury, CT 06708
860-969-3277 / MCulmo@mhconn.org

Jill M. Currier, SPHR

“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”
–Joshua J. Marine

Jill holds her Senior Professional Human Resources designation and is currently a member of the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) and the Human Resources Association of Connecticut (HRACC).

Prior to joining MHC, Jill worked as the Senior Director of Human Resources for Girl Scouts of Connecticut with direct oversight of all human resources policies and functions for the statewide Council. Previous to Girl Scouts of Connecticut, Jill was the Vice President of Human Resources at USI Consulting Group where she was a member of the divisional executive team and active associate of USI Insurance Services’ nationwide Human Resources steering committee. In addition to more than 15 years of senior-level generalist and management experience, Jill also has a strong financial background allowing her to provide a unique combination of experience and skills from both nonprofit and for-profit sectors.

76 Batterson Park Rd, Suite 303, Farmington, CT 06032
860-529-1970 / Fax: 860-760-6525 / JCurrier@mhconn.org

Domenique S. Thornton, Esq.

“They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world. Someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.”
—Tom Bodett

Domenique S. Thornton, Esq. is MHC’s General Counsel. She assists the agency with corporate matters and was formerly in private practice. Domenique also held a number of publicly elected offices, including Mayor of Middletown, Connecticut for eight years and a member of Middletown’s Common Council as its Corporation Counsel.

In addition, Domenique held the position of Director of Human Resources and Public Policy for MHC for six years. She lobbied both the state and federal governments for a better system of care and stronger legislation to protect those who experience mental illnesses. Through her efforts, the housing laws in Connecticut were made less discriminatory and more protective against evictions on the grounds of a mental disability. Domenique worked to remind federal officials that any federal mental health parity law passed should be a ceiling and not a floor to stronger state parity laws like Connecticut’s. For her advocacy efforts, she received the Keep the Promise Coalition Extra Mile Award and the Local Action Advocate Award.

Domenique has three grown daughters and three grandchildren.

Agustin Lopez

“The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer someone else up.”
–Mark Twain

Agustin Lopez, Senior Director of Specialized Community Services at Mental Health Connecticut, brings over five years of dedicated service to the organization. Since assuming the role of Director of Employment, Education, and Housing in June 2019, Agustin has been instrumental in expanding awareness and access to crucial services across Waterbury, Torrington, Hartford, and West Hartford. Hailing from San Juan, Puerto Rico, Agustin holds a bachelor’s degree in communications from the University of Sacred Heart and a master’s degree in public relations and Protocol from the University of Seville, Spain. His early career in public relations led him to discover a passion for nonprofit work, which eventually led him to roles of increasing responsibility within the nonprofit sector.

Prior to joining Mental Health Connecticut, Agustin served in various capacities at Girl Scouts of Connecticut, where he excelled in community development and membership services, ultimately rising to the position of Director of Membership Services. With his diverse background in communications, sales, and management, Agustin brings a unique skill set and unwavering dedication to improving the lives of individuals and communities in need.

76 Batterson Park Rd, Suite 303
Farmington, CT 06032
860-695-8000 / alopez@mhconn.org

Bethany Simmonds

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.”
– Helen Keller

Bethany Simmonds brings a wealth of experience and dedication to Mental Health Connecticut (MHC) as the Senior Director of Advancement. She has a passion for advancing causes in mental health and a proven track record in nonprofit management, fundraising, marketing, and community engagement. Prior roles as the Director of Grants and Marketing at Food Rescue US and Development and Volunteer Manager at Eisner Health saw her implement successful marketing and fundraising campaigns, secure grants, organize events, and establish a volunteer program. At MHC, Bethany spearheads comprehensive strategies to cultivate relationships with potential funders and increase awareness of MHC’s mission.

Bethany holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Haverford College, enriching her professional journey with an understanding of human behavior and cognitive processes.

76 Batterson Park Rd, Suite 303
Farmington, CT 06032
860-801-0239 / bsimmonds@mhconn.org

Jennifer Hunter-Smith

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
–Wayne Dyer

Jennifer is a seasoned professional with a Bachelor of Science degree from Post University and a wealth of certifications, including Certified Co-Occurring Disorders Professional, Certified Addiction Counselor, and Human Services Board Certified Practitioner. Since joining Mental Health Connecticut (MHC) in 1996, Jennifer has played integral roles in various capacities, starting as a job coach in the work services program before progressing to positions such as Program Coordinator, Assistant Director, and Director of Residential Services in both Waterbury and Torrington. Currently serving as Senior Director of Residential Services, Jennifer adeptly oversees residential programs while actively contributing to organizational improvement efforts. Her leadership extends beyond her immediate responsibilities, as she co-chairs the Best Practices Committee, serves on the PAIMI Advisory Council (PAC) as a mental health professional, and has been involved in the Regional Mental Health Board and Catchment Area Councils in Waterbury and Torrington. Known for her ability to unite teams and implement effective strategies, Jennifer emphasizes values such as safety, respect, support, accountability, and trust in all her collaborative endeavors, fostering positive outcomes for both participants and programs. Her enduring relationships with funders reflect her dedication to program development and sustainability.

76 Batterson Park Rd, Suite 303
Farmington, CT 06032
860-969-3437 / jhuntersmith@mhconn.org

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